Border Terrier Vs Kerry Blue Terrier

Border Terrier Vs Kerry Blue Terrier

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If you’re considering adding a furry friend to your family, you’ve probably done your fair share of research on different dog breeds. Two breeds that often come up in the conversation are Border Terriers and Kerry Blue Terriers. But which one is right for you and your home? In this blog post, we’ll take a comprehensive comparison of the two breeds Border Terrier Vs Kerry Blue Terrier to help you make an informed decision. 

The Border Terrier: A Comprehensive Guide 

The Border Terrier is a small, short-legged breed of terrier that originates from the Anglo-Scottish border region. The breed is known for its shaggy coat of fur, which is used to protect the dog from the cold weather in its mountainous homeland.

Border Terriers are also known for being highly intelligent and trainable dogs, making them popular pets among families with children. In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know about Border Terriers, from their history and appearance to their temperament and health concerns. 

Border Terrier Vs Kerry Blue Terrier

History Of The Border Terrier

The Border Terrier is believed to have originated in the Anglo-Scottish border region in the 19th century. The breed was developed by farmers and shepherds who needed a dog that could help them with their work. Border Terriers were used to herd sheep and hunt vermin, such as foxes and badgers. The breed’s strong hunting instincts can still be seen in Border Terriers today; many owners report that their dogs like to chase small animals and birds. 

The Border Terrier was first recognized as a distinct breed by the Kennel Club (UK) in 1885. AKC recognized the breed in 1930 by adding it to its registry of recognized breeds. Today, the Border Terrier is a popular pet all over the world. 

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The Appearance Of The Border Terrier

Border Terriers are small dogs, typically weighing between 11 and 15 pounds (5-7 kg). They have a rectangular-shaped body with short legs, giving them a low center of gravity. This sturdy body frame makes Border Terriers well-suited for activities such as agility training and hiking. 

The most distinguishing feature of the Border Terrier is its shaggy coat of fur, which is thick enough to protect the dog from cold weather. The coat is usually wheaten (light brown) or dark brown, with a darker “mask” around the eyes. SomeBorderTerriers may also have white markings on their chest and paws. 

 Unlike other terrier breeds, which require regular grooming to prevent matting, the Border Terrier’s coat does not need to be clipped or trimmed; brushing once or twice a week is sufficient to remove dead hair and keep the coat healthy. 

Health Concerns For Border Terriers

BorderTerriers are generally healthy dogs with few known health problems. However, like all breeds, they are susceptible to certain conditions that can be treated if caught early enough. Some of these conditions include: 

Hip dysplasia: a condition where the hip joint does not form properly, causing pain and lameness 

Epilepsy: recurrent seizures caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain 

Allergies: an abnormal reaction of the immune system to certain substances 

If you are considering adding a Border Terrier to your family, be sure to consult with your veterinarian about steps you can take to reduce your dog’s risk of developing these conditions later in life. 

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Border Terrier Vs Kerry Blue Terrier

A Comprehensive Guide To The Kerry Blue Terrier 

The Kerry Blue originated from Ireland. The breed was originally used for hunting and killing vermin. They are eager, alert, and obedient dogs that make great family pets. Kerry Blue Terriers are loyal and loving dogs that will form strong bonds with their owners.

History Of The Kerry Blue Terrier 

The Kerry Blue Terrier is a dog breed that originated in County Kerry, Ireland. The breed was originally used for barn hunt and killing vermin. They are eager, alert, and obedient dogs that make great family pets. The Kerry Blue Terrier was officially recognized by the Irish Kennel Club in 1922. 

The Kerry Blue Terrier gets its name from the county in Ireland where they were first bred – County Kerry. They were also commonly known as the “Irish blue terrier”. The breed was originally used for hunting and killing vermin such as rats, rabbits, and foxes. They were also used as sheepdogs on farms. 

The Kerry Blue Terrier was officially recognized by the Irish Kennel Club in 1922. In 1924, the first Kerry Blue Terrier was exported to the United States. The American Kennel Club (AKC) officially recognized the breed in 1929. 

Health Concerns 

Kerry Blue Terriers are generally healthy breeds with few health concerns. However, like all breeds, they are susceptible to certain health conditions such as hip dysplasia, bladder stones, and skin problems. Be sure to talk to your veterinarian about these health concerns before getting a Kerry Blue Terrier. 

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Comparison Of Key Characteristics Of Border Terrier Vs Kerry Blue Terrier

Now that we’ve looked at the history and origins of each breed, let’s compare some key characteristics to see how they stack up against each other. 


When it comes to temperament, Border Terriers and Kerry Blue Terriers couldn’t be more different. Border Terriers are independent and determined, while Kerry Blues are affectionate and gentle. This is likely because Border Terriers were bred for hunting while Kerry Blues were bred as companion dogs.

If you’re looking for a laid-back lapdog, a Border Terrier is probably not the right breed for you. However, if you’re looking for a spunky little dog with plenty of personalities, a Border Terrier might be perfect. 


When it comes to size, there is only a slight difference between these two breeds. Border Terriers typically weigh between 11-15 pounds while Kerry Blue Terriers weigh between 18-23 pounds (males) or 16-19 pounds (females). If you live in an apartment or have limited space in your home, a Border Terrier might be the better choice since they don’t require as much room to run around. 

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Another big difference between these two breeds is their grooming needs. Border Terriers have wiry coats that don’t require much maintenance beyond occasional brushing or trimming. Kerry Blue Terriers have soft, silky coats that require regular brushing and grooming sessions—especially if they are show dogs. If ease of grooming is important to you, a Border Terrier is probably the way to go since they don’t require as much time or effort when it comes to coat care. 

Border Terrier Vs Kerry Blue Terrier


Which One is Better for You? In the end, it all comes down to what you’re looking for in a dog. Both breeds are great companions and will provide plenty of love and laughs, but they do have their differences. If you’re looking for an energetic pup that loves to play fetch and has a wiry coat that sheds minimally, go with a Border Terrier. But if you want a canine friend who is just as happy lying on the couch next to you as he is going on long walks, the Kerry Blue Terrier might be better suited for your lifestyle.

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Tony K.

Tony K.

I got our Border 3 years ago "for my daughter" and this bundle of joy became a beloved member of our family, so I thought why not share the love!

About Me

I got our Border 3 years ago “for my daughter” and this bundle of joy became a beloved member of our family, so I thought why not share the love!

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