Border Terrier Vs Poodle

knowing about Border Terrier and Poodle

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What kind of dog is right for you? This is a question that many people ask themselves, and there isn’t always a clear answer. Different dogs have different needs, personalities, and care requirements. In this blog post, we will be comparing the Border Terrier vs Poodle. Both breeds are popular choices among dog owners, but they differ greatly from each other. So let’s get started!

Border Terrier Vs PoodleKey Differences


For choosing a pet, there are a lot of factors to consider. One important factor is appearance. Some people prefer small, fluffy dogs while others prefer big, burly dogs. But what if you can’t decide between a small dog and a big dog? In that case, consider a border terrier or poodle (more about Border Terrier Vs Bichon Frise).

Both border terriers and poodles are small dogs, but they have very different appearances. Border terriers are long and low to the ground, with rough, wiry fur. They have long snouts and pointed ears.

Poodles are compact and well-proportioned. They have curly, hypoallergenic fur and a distinctly “poodle” cut. They also have long snouts and pointed ears like other dog breeds.

For personality, border terriers and poodles are also quite different. Border terriers are known for being independent and stubborn. They need a lot of exercise and can be prone to barking. Poodles are known for being intelligent and easy to train. They’re good with kids and other pets with a double coat.

Read More: How Much Exercise Does A Border Terrier Need


If you’re considering adding a border terrier puppy to your family, it’s important to know what they’re like temperament-wise. For starters, border terriers are high-energy dogs that are also very curious and quite stubborn, so it’s important to train early.

However, border terriers are also incredibly loyal and affectionate, and they make great family pets. They are also good with other animals, although they can be territorial around other dogs. Border terriers are also hypoallergenic, so they’re a good choice for families with allergies. Overall, they are wonderful dogs that will bring joy to any home.

Poodles are lower-energy dogs that don’t require as much exercise and are good companion dogs. They’re also very intelligent and easily trained. Poodles are quite reserved around strangers but are very loving with their family and friends.

Like border terriers, poodles are also hypoallergenic. So if you’re looking for a low-maintenance dog that will still shower you with love and affection, a poodle may be the perfect choice for you.

Read More: Biewer Terrier Vs Border Terrier


cute little creature

In terms of health, miniature poodles are known for being relatively resistant to diseases and illnesses and are purebred dogs. They’re also not prone to any major health issues. The miniature poodle breed has an average lifespan of 12-15 years. 

The border terrier is a small, compact breed of dog that originates from the British Isles. The border terrier was naturally bred as a hunting dog, and they still keep some of those hunting instincts today. In terms of health, border terriers are a relatively healthy breed with a lifespan of 12-15 years. 


Size is an important consideration for many people. The Border Terrier is a canine breed that is considered to be of medium size and normally weighs between 11 and 15 pounds. There are three different sizes available for the Poodle: standard, miniature, and toy. Miniature Poodles typically weigh between 15 and 17 pounds, but Standard Poodles can weigh anywhere from 40 to 70 pounds. Toy Poodles are the smallest of the breed, typically weighing between 4 and 6 pounds.

Exercise needs are another key factor to consider. Both Border Terriers and Poodles need daily exercise, but the amount they need can vary depending on the size of the dog. Border Terriers typically need about 30 minutes of exercise each day, while Standard Poodles may need up to 60 minutes. Miniature and Toy Poodles usually need less exercise, about 20-30 minutes each day.

When it comes to finding a breed that fits your lifestyle, both Border Terriers and Poodles can make great pets. However, it’s important to choose the right size for your home and lifestyle. If you’re looking for a small dog that doesn’t require a lot of exercise, a Toy Poodle might be a good choice. If you have more space and are willing to commit to daily walks or runs, a Border Terrier could be a good fit. 

Read More: Border Terrier Vs American Hairless Terrier


As both Border Terriers and Poodles are two different breeds of dogs, they have different grooming needs, which can make a big difference in how often you need to take them to the groomer. Border Terriers have a dense, wiry coat that doesn’t shed much, but it requires regular trimming to keep it looking neat.

Most Border Terriers need to be trimmed every six to eight weeks. Poodles have a silky coat that does shed – although not as much as other dog breeds. Poodles need to be trimmed every four to six weeks, and they also require regular brushing to prevent mats from forming.

Despite their different grooming needs, both Border Terriers and Poodles are affectionate dogs that make great companions. And while Border Terriers may be a bit more independent than most dogs, they’re still quite adaptable and can easily adjust to life in a variety of homes.

Read More: Border Terrier Vs Staffordshire Bull Terrier


When it comes to choosing a furry friend, there are a lot of factors to consider. One important consideration is price. Border terriers and poodles are both popular choices, but how do their prices compare?

Border terriers typically cost between $500 and $1200. Poodles, on the other hand, can be found for as little as $600 or as much as $2000. So, if cost is a deciding factor, a border terrier may be the better choice.

Is the Poodle the smartest dog breed than the border terrier?

Border Terrier Vs Poodle: Comparison

In short, the answer is yes. Poodles have been bred for centuries as versatile working and hunting dogs, making them highly intelligent and trainable. On average, Poodles rank among the top 10 most intelligent dog breeds. 

Border Terriers are also known to be fairly intelligent dogs but their intelligence can vary from one individual to another. They do not possess the same level of trainability as Poodles, making them somewhat less smart in comparison. 

Ultimately though, it is important to remember that all dogs have different temperaments and personalities which will affect how well they can learn new tasks or commands – so it depends on the individual animal rather than the breed itself when judging intelligence. 

All in all, Poodles are generally considered the smarter breed when compared to Border Terriers. However, it is important to remember that all dogs can be trained and socialized with patience and dedication. With enough love and guidance, any dog can learn new skills or behaviors regardless of its breed.

What is a Border Terrier crossed with a Poodle called?

A Border Doodle or a Bordoodle is the most commonly used name to describe this mix. Due to their intelligence and trainability, these dogs are becoming increasingly popular as family pets. 

They combine the best of both worlds – the energetic, tenacious nature of border terriers with the intelligence and adaptability of poodles. This makes them an excellent choice for owners looking for an intelligent, affectionate pet that can be trained easily.

It is important to remember though that no two dogs will ever be exactly alike so it’s always wise to do your research before getting any new pet. Regardless of its breed, regular training and socialization from puppyhood are essential in helping any animal adjust well to its new home environment.

Can Border Terriers live with poodles?

Choosing between Poodle and Border Terrier

Yes, Border Terriers and Poodles can make great companions for one another. Both breeds get along well with other dogs and have similar energy levels. 

However, it is important to remember that all dogs are individuals so it’s not always easy to predict how they will interact with each other. Socialization from a young age is key in helping any pet get used to new surroundings and adapt better to its home environment. 

With enough patience and dedication, Border Terriers and Poodles have the potential to form strong bonds as siblings or even lifelong friends. Ultimately, it boils down to proper training and socialization – no matter what breed your dog is! 

With enough love and guidance, you can create a harmonious home environment for both of your pets. So if you’re looking for a new companion for your Border Terrier or Poodle, don’t be afraid to give it a try!

What is the lifespan of a Border Terrier and Poodle?

A healthy Border Terrier can live up to 15 years while a Poodle will typically live between 12 and 15 years. A mix of the two breeds, like a Bordoodle, is likely to have a lifespan somewhere in between these ranges. 

However, it is important to remember that genetics play an important role in determining the lifespan of any animal so an individual’s lifestyle, diet, and environmental factors can also greatly affect their life expectancy. 

Therefore, with proper care and nutrition, your pet could even surpass the average lifespan for its breed. Ultimately, many variables can impact how long your furry friend will live – but with enough love and affection, you can ensure it has a long and happy life!

What are the activity level differences between Border Terrier and Poodle?

Border Terrier vs Poodle: Activity level differences

Border Terriers are energetic and tenacious dogs that need plenty of exercises and mental stimulation to stay healthy. They have a natural drive towards action and can be quite active indoors if given enough opportunities for playtime or training. 

Poodles, on the other hand, are more relaxed and prefer taking things slow most of the time. They may require less physical activity than Border Terriers but still benefit from regular walks and play sessions with their owners.

Ultimately, both breeds share similar activity levels and need an environment where they can run around, explore new places, and challenge themselves mentally – so it’s important to provide them with ample opportunity to do just that! 

With enough love and dedication, you can create a safe home environment where your pet is both physically and mentally stimulated. So even if you have a Border Terrier or Poodle, there’s no need to worry about the activity level differences between them!

What are the pros and cons of owning a border terrier o Poodle?

The pros of owning a Border Terrier include their intelligence and loyalty, the fact that they can adapt to both indoor and outdoor life, as well as their overall friendly disposition. They are also relatively low-maintenance dogs and don’t require much grooming or special diet requirements. 

The cons are that Border Terriers need a lot of exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy, so they may not be ideal for people with busy lifestyles. Owning a Poodle has many benefits as well. 

These dogs have been bred for centuries as highly intelligent working and hunting dogs so they are known to be very trainable. Their silky coats make them low-shedders which is great for owners who suffer from allergies, while their intelligence and people-oriented nature make them great companions. 

The main downside to owning a Poodle is the amount of grooming they require – as these dogs do need to be brushed and groomed regularly to stay healthy. Ultimately, both Border Terriers and Poodles make wonderful pets with lots of love and attention to give. 

Despite their pros & cons, both breeds are great additions to any home with enough dedication from owners willing to put in the time for training, socialization, and providing a safe environment for them! 

With proper care and understanding of each breed’s needs, you could have an amazing companion that will bring years of joy into your home. So if you’re considering either one of these breeds, make sure to do your research and find out which one would best fit your lifestyle.

Aspect Border Terrier Poodle
Size Small to medium-sized breed, typically weighing 11-16 pounds and standing 10-11 inches tall. Comes in three sizes: Standard (45-70 pounds, 15+ inches tall), Miniature (15-18 pounds, 10-15 inches tall), and Toy (4-6 pounds, up to 10 inches tall).
Coat Has a double coat with a wiry and rough outer coat and a soft undercoat. Requires regular brushing and stripping to prevent matting and tangling. Has a curly and dense coat that is hypoallergenic and low-shedding. Requires regular grooming and clipping every 4-6 weeks.
Temperament Known to be active, friendly, and loyal. They are good with children and other pets when socialized properly. They have a high prey drive and may be prone to digging and barking. Known for their intelligence, trainability, and playful personality. They are good with children and other pets and have a low prey drive. They may be prone to anxiety and need plenty of mental stimulation.
Training Training the Border Terrier requires patience and consistency. They are intelligent and responsive to positive reinforcement training. They may have a stubborn streak and need early socialization and obedience training. Poodles are highly trainable and love to learn new tricks and tasks. They respond well to positive reinforcement training and need plenty of mental stimulation to prevent boredom.
Health Border Terriers may be prone to hip dysplasia, eye problems, allergies, and skin issues. They have an average lifespan of around 12-15 years. Poodles may be prone to hip dysplasia, eye problems, and skin issues. They also have an increased risk of certain genetic diseases due to their popularity as purebred. They have an average lifespan of around 12-15 years.
Exercise Border Terriers need regular exercise and playtime to prevent boredom and destructive behavior. They enjoy walks, runs, and playtime in a fenced yard. Poodles need daily exercise and mental stimulation to prevent anxiety and destructive behavior. They enjoy walks, runs, and playtime in a fenced yard, as well as games and training activities.


So, there you have it – a comparison of Border Terriers and Poodles. Both breeds make great pets, but they’re suited for different lifestyles.

However, there are some important differences to consider before making your decision. Size, exercise needs, grooming requirements, and price are all important factors to think about. Ultimately, the best breed for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. But if you’re looking for a smart, trainable dog that won’t break the bank, a Border Terrier is hard to beat.

Also Read: 6 Best Border Terrier Toys For A Tail-Wagging Playtime

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Tony K.

Tony K.

I got our Border 3 years ago "for my daughter" and this bundle of joy became a beloved member of our family, so I thought why not share the love!

About Me

I got our Border 3 years ago “for my daughter” and this bundle of joy became a beloved member of our family, so I thought why not share the love!

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